Space debris is all the non-functional artificial objects – including fragments and components of these objects – that are orbiting the Earth or re-entering the atmosphere.

The accumulation of space debris poses a significant threat to active satellites and other spacecraft, as well as the long-term sustainability of space activities. It can result in collisions, generating more fragments and exacerbating the problem. Protection of environments beyond the boundaries of Earth is an area where awareness is currently insufficient and where joint efforts are required. International efforts are made within both the UN and the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC), and several nations have established guidelines which covers how the satellites should be managed before, during and after their mission has ended.1

At Ovzon Since its founding, Ovzon has been committed to creating a service that steers clear of contributing to the accumulation of space debris around Earth. The company’s specially crafted satellite was designed, manufactured, and tested to safely exit the geostationary orbit, positioned 36,000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface. The debris ends up in the “graveyard orbit” a further 300 kilometers away from the geostationary orbit. The company continually monitors the satellite’s health and status and promptly addressing any potential faults that could hinder effective space waste management. Ovzon complies with the Swedish Space Activities Act, and all the company’s partners for satellite manufacture, launch and operation comply with the Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines from the IADC. The regulations describe how space debris is to be avoided, minimized and managed internationally. Ovzon is also a member of the Satellite Industry Association (SIA), which works for responsible operations in space and ensures future accessibility to space.


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